Dexter Parks Egg Hunt
From Friday, March 26th through Friday, April 9th, the City’s Parks and Recreation Commission will hide large wooden eggs in each of the City’s Parks. Each egg will have a letter written on the back. The letters from each park will form a word, and the words will form a phrase. You can use the clues provided in the form below to complete the words and phrase by finding the hidden eggs and writing down the letter on the back of each egg. Completing a word (or the entire phrase) will allow you to claim a prize. Egg hunters should bring the form with a word (or the complete phrase) to the Dexter City Offices at 8123 Main Street between 9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday to claim a prize.
The form containing the clues and word scramble is available on the City’s website at:
Controlled Burn in Mill Creek Park Rain Gardens
A controlled burn in the two Mill Creek Park rain gardens along Jeffords Street (at Jeffords St. and Main St.) is scheduled for today, March 23, 2021 in the late afternoon.
Mill Creek Park Sidewalk Temporary Closure
A portion of the sidewalk in Mill Creek Park (connecting the switchback to Mill Creek Park North along the water) will be closed on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 from 9 – 11am for routine maintenance.
The woodchip pile formerly located on Dan Hoey Rd. is now available just outside of the Wastewater Treatment Plant fence at 8258 Huron St. The woodchips are free for Dexter residents to pick-up. The woodchips come from the weekly brush chipping performed by the City’s Department of Public Works. Please do not attempt to enter the Wastewater Treatment Plant or drive through the fenced-in area when accessing the woodchip pile.
Around Town: Dexter Parks Egg Hunt, Controlled Burn in Mill Creek Park Rain Gardens, more