Peace in the Streets 2019 Conference Oct. 25-27

On behalf of the Wayne State University Center for Peace & Conflict Studies, you are cordially invited to attend Rotary Peace in the Streets 2019 Conference and Peacemaker Awards, held in Detroit, Windsor, and Dearborn on October 25, 26, and 27 respectively. Peace in the Streets is a call for world peace. We will tackle some of the gravest social justice issues of our times:  domestic and gendered violence, human trafficking and modern slavery, gun violence and mass incarceration, human rights, addiction and depression, indigenous rights, and other issues.  Internationally known Speakers and Panelists will be on hand, including:
  • Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri, Indian-Canadian multidisciplinary artist; a “rad feminist director”, photographer, writer, and social justice advocate
  • Samantha Fuentes, a survivor of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School tragedy in Florida, a student activist who works with Angel Faces
  • Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, founder of the Afghan Institute of Learning, Vice President of Hope International (CHI), and a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee
See below for the Daily Schedule of events. General Registration is $25/Day, and a 2-day pass $45 (lunch included).  The first 100 students to register via “Student Registration” will receive free admission!  Sunday’s Peacemaker Awards is free and requires separate registration. To register for our Peace Weekend ALL ARE WELCOME ALL Races ALL Ethnicities ALL Ages ALL Religions ALL Gender Expressions & Identities ALL Sexual Orientations ALL Nationalities ALL Sizes ALL Immigration Statuses ALL Socio-Economic Backgrounds ALL Abilities SCHEDULE:  PEACE IN THE STREETS 2        DAY 1 – FRIDAY, OCT. 25TH / DETROIT  WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY- STUDENT CENTER BALLROOM, 5221 Gullen Mall 8:00-8:40 Registration and Light Breakfast and Coffee 8:40-8:45 Welcome and Opening Remarks 9:00AM – 10:30AM     Morning Panel IAddressing Gun Violence Moderator: Barbara L. Jones, Community Dispute Resolution Specialist (Wayne State) Panelists: 9:05-9:25 Violeta Donawa and Yusef Bunch Shakur (Black Radical Healing Pathways); 9:25-9:40 Bishop Daryl Harris (Ceasefire Detroit); 9:40-9:55 Reverend Barry Randolph (Church of the Messiah Detroit) 9:55-10:10 BREAK OUT SESSIONS IN GROUPS OF 5-10 10:10-10:30 Q and A (leaders of break-out sessions present, 2 minutes each) 10:45AM – 12:00PM      Morning Panel II: Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Moderator: Dr. Eric Montgomery (Faculty, Michigan State University & Wayne State) Panelists: 10:45-10:55 Eric J. Montgomery (Wayne State University and Michigan State University) 10:55-11:10 Christiana Castillo (Alternatives for Girls, Inside Out Literary Arts) 11:10-11:25 Alice Jay (Sister Survivors Detroit) 11:25-11:40 Leslie King, Founder of Sacred Beginnings, Grand Rapids (Survivor Centered Approaches and Survivor House (Holistic Solutions: Police, Courts, and Community) 11:40-12:00 Q and A (Solutions to Human Trafficking) 12:15PM – 1:15PM     Lunch Keynote by Samantha Fuentes (Parkland Florida Survivor), Introduction by Devankar Mukhi (President Wayne State University Rotaract) 12:45-12:55 Table Discussion on Solving School Shooting 12:55-1:10 Q and A and Discussion from table leaders 1:10-1:20 Conte Smith-El Scholarship Presentation 1:30PM – 2:45PM           Afternoon Panel I: Neighborhood Solutions for Peace Moderator: Dr. Frederic Pearson (Director, Center for Peace and Conflict Studies) Panelists: 1:30-1:45 Christine Bell (Executive Director, Urban Neighborhood Initiatives (UNI) 1:45-2:00 Phillip Patrick (SW Detroit Arts Mural Project) 2:00-2:15 Dennis Nordmoe (Community Organizer) 2:15-2:25 Break-out Discussions on Neighborhood Solutions for Peace 2:25-2:45 Leaders Discuss Solutions and Q and A 3:00PM – 4:15PM     Afternoon Panel II: Civil Discourse and Restorative Justice Moderator: Dr. Anthony Perry (Professor Henry Ford Community College) Panelists: 3:00-3:15 Dr. Jeffrey Robinson, Principal (Detroit Public Schools) 3:15-3:30 Barbara L. Jones (Community Dispute Resolution Specialist, CPCS) 3:30-3:45 Kai Stabell (Consortium for Conversational Conflict Resolution) 3:45-4:00 Kerri Quinn (President of Colorado Restorative Justice Initiative) 4:00-4:15 Q and A 4:30PM – 5:00PM       Inner Peace and Mindfulness Richard Chakrin (Wayne State University Center for Peace and Conflict Studies) DAY 2 – SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26  UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR FACULTY OF LAW, 350 Huron Church Rd., Windsor, Ontario 8:30AM – 8:40AM John Chambers, Rotary District Governor; President Douglas Kneale (University of Windsor), with a Territorial Acknowledgement and Traditional Welcome 8:45AM – 10:00AM    Morning Panel I: Human Rights Panelists: 8:45-9:00 Brad Roth (Professor of Law and Political Science, Wayne State University) 9:00-9:15 Theresa Sims (Indigenous Culture and Language Specialist) 9:15-9:30 Alberto Bernal Acero (Mexico Consulate of Canada); Christiana Castillo 9:30-9:40 Break-outs – Review of 80 Human Rights (solutions) 9:40-9:55 Q and A and Discussion 10:00AM – 11:15AM      Morning Panel II: Domestic and Gender Violence Moderator: Harriet B. Saperstein Panelists: 10:00-10:15 Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri (Filmmaker, 10:15-10:30 Lady Laforet (Executive Director, Welcome Centre for Women, Windsor, ONT) 10:30-10:45 Jayce Carver (Executive Director, W.E. Trans Support and Allied Service) 10:45-10:55 Elizabeth K. Landers (Aaron and Marie Blackman Foundation, Grosse Pointe Sunrise Rotary) 10:55-11:10 Q and A 11:15AM – 12:30PM       Morning Panel III: Indigenous Rights Moderator: Brenda Diana Bryant,Ph.D. (Chair, MA in Social Justice Marygrove College) Panelists: 11:15-11:30 David Pitawanakwat (University of Detroit Mercy, Windsor Law) 11:30-11:45 Sacramento Knoxx (The Aadizookaan) 11:45-12:00 Andrea Pierce (Co-founder and chair of the Anishinaabek Caucus of the Michigan Democratic Party) 12:00-12:25 Break-out Sessions and Leader Discussions, Q and A 12:30PM – 1:15PM    Lunch, Conference Keynote by Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri 12:35-1:05 Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri       1:05-1:15 Quick Q and A 1:30PM – 2:45PM Solutions to Immigration in Canada and the US Panelists: Professor Vincent Artman (Miami of Ohio and Wayne State University) 1:30-1:45 Kassem Allie (Executive Director, Islamic Center of America) 1:45-2:00 Laurie Tannous (Special Advisor Cross-Border Institute and VP of government relations at Farrow) 2:00-2:15 Joseph Younan (Principal, Dougal High School Windsor, ONT) 2:-15-2:40 Breakouts and Q and A 2:45PM – 3:45PM    Keynote by Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, Afghan Institute of Learning 4:15PM – 5:15 PM   Indigenous Drum Circle and Mini Pow-Wow     Windsor University of Law School SUNDAY, OCT. 27    10 AM – 2 PM     2019 MAX MARK CRANBROOK PEACE LECTURES & PEACE MAKER AWARDS Arab American National Museum, 13624 Michigan Ave, Dearborn, MI 48126 This Event is Free & Space is Limited – Please Register  
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