E4DS Presents $23,000 Donation to Dexter Board of Education for Mental Health Education

Excellence for Dexter Schools (E4DS), a non-profit organization committed to augmenting Dexter Community Schools’ state funding, presented the Dexter Board of Education with a $23,000 check at their meeting Monday night. This generous donation, specifically earmarked for mental health education and programming, brings the total amount donated to the District by E4DS to $150,000 since 2016.

Founded by a group of Dexter parents in 2015, the purpose of E4DS is to create a pathway for the community to better fund programming and resources needed by our teachers and administrators.  Since its inception, the organization has funded an annual week-long excursion camp at Eastern Michigan University for our 6th graders, as well as additional math and science programming for grades 3-6.

This past spring, based on the District’s recent focus on mental health and wellness, E4DS directed their fundraising efforts to help support this initiative.

E4DS President, Elise Bruderly thanked her board, both past and present, for their enormous efforts in raising this money for DCS.  She also praised the Dexter’s parents, grandparents, staff, teachers, administrators, business owners and the entire Dexter community for their continued generosity.


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