DCS to Host Wash Co Community Conversations Workshop on Young People and LGBTQ

A community discussion and learning opportunity about the experiences of LGBTQ young people in our district.

February 20, 2019 6pm

Dexter Early Elementary Complex

Free and open to the public

Participants will learn to:

  • Understand the concepts of sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Look at the numbers and hear the experiences of LGBTQ youth in Washtenaw County, and how those experiences impact their mental, social, emotional, and physical health.
  • Identify at least one thing we can do to support LGBTQ youth in our community.

Intended audience:

Any and all community members (students, parents, teachers, business owners, and others) who would like to know more about LGBTQ youth, sexual orientation, and gender identity/expression.

This workshop is part of the Washtenaw County Community Conversations (WC3) project, brought to you by the Michigan Organization on Adolescent Sexual Health (MOASH), the Neutral Zone, the University of Michigan Spectrum Center, and Springmatter with grant funding from Michigan Medicine Community Health Services.

“The Board of Education recognizes that there are times when non-profit community organizations offer programs or services that might benefit Dexter students and/or their families. The Board further recognizes that when it opens the forum for distribution/display of materials from outside groups, Federal law guarantees all non-profit groups be given the same rights. The attached information is brought to you as a service of Dexter Community Schools. This service does not imply endorsement of its contents by the administration of the school, the Superintendent or the Board.”

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